Price: $ 345.00

The U.S. Milk Industry Database contains approximately 300 companies covering the dairy and dairy alternatives manufacturing side of the industry. This database provides you with contact information on each manufacturer, a detailed listing of beverage products owned/produced, and much more.

Click here to download a Microsoft Excel file of sample data.

  • 2024 Edition - Published March 2024.
  • Approximately 300 Company Profiles.
  • Immediate download, Excel and .csv formats, 3-user access.
U.S. Milk Industry Database
What's Inside? View Details

Get superior data, market insights and industry perspective to analyze beverage segments, evaluate opportunities and benchmark performance.

Report Overview 

Milk Industry profiles provide you with:

  • Detailed company contact information
  • Chief operating personnel
  • Brands distributed/manufactured
  • Total number of employees
  • Headquarter contact information if the particular location is a subsidiary

Milk Manufacturer profiles include (if applicable):

  • Number of Milk Delivery Vehicles
  • Bottling Lines – Hot Fill
  • Bottling Lines – Cold Fill
  • Bottling Lines – Carbonated
  • Canning Lines
  • Aseptic Lines

This database is available in Microsoft Excel and CSV formats.

Have Questions?
Contact Andrew Standardi at 800-332-6222 ext.252 (Outside the U.S.: 740-314-8380 ext. 252) or via email.


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