Price: $ 1995.00

Beyond energy? Will the no-alcohol shot market, which is dominated by energy shots, find traction beyond the energy need-state? Where are the pockets of opportunity? What are the dynamics and challenges to consider for those considering going the refrigerated shot route?

Beverage Marketing Corporation analyzes these questions and more in its industry report entitled: No-Alcohol Shots in the U.S. Considering that the energy shot segment has stagnated after an initial burst suggests that juice shots with healthful properties would be called to pick up the slack in the next five years. In that regard, entrepreneurs and market veterans alike would find the information important to consider their next moves.

  • 2024 Edition - Published April 2024.
  • Data through 2023 and market projections through 2028.
  • More than 25 pages with extensive text analysis, graphs and charts.
  • Immediate download, PDF and Word formats, 3-user access.
No-Alcohol Shots in the U.S.
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Report Overview  more details

The answers you need

This brief but insightful market report discusses key issues in the no-alcohol shots category. It measures volume, as well as wholesale dollar sales for sub-segments including no-alcohol energy shots, juice shots, tea shots and coffee shots. Products with a broad range of functional benefits are discussed and key brands as well as the private label shot market are quantified. BMC's exclusive five-year projections are also provided. Questions answered include:

  • Which are the leading shot brands across all sub-segments? Is the market sewn up by big companies or is there room for smaller players and to capture a significant percentage of market share?
  • To what extent has the category stabilized? Where are the pockets of growth? How has the no-alcohol shot market evolved in the past few years beyond energy shots and which sub-segments and brands are showing promise? How do these shots relate to the rest of the better-for-you beverage market?
  • How much is the no-alcohol shot market expected to grow in the next five years? What are the tailwinds and headwinds going forward? What consumer drivers, need states and functional benefits are new shot brands addressing?
  • When did no-alcohol shots, particularly energy shots, originate and evolve in the U.S. market? What lessons were learned along the way?

This report features

This report examines a unique niche in the wellness and functional beverage space. The presentation of industry research begins with an overview of the no-alcohol shot market, and its sub-segments, then then analyzes various brands in those sub-segments and beyond. It looks at the companies behind them, analyzing the innovations and emerging functional benefits these brands have achieved and the marketing strategies behind.

After outlining this context, the report describes the issues likely to determine what is next in the U.S. no-alcohol shot marketplace and projects market size five years into the future. In this report, readers get a thorough understanding of all facets of the no-alcohol market including:

  • Wholesale dollar sales and volume of the no-alcohol market going back to 2014 and the energy shot market going back to 2005, and breaks out volume and wholesale dollar sales, share and growth for the juice, tea and coffee shot segments back to 2017 with sub-segment forecasts through 2028.
  • Discussion of the main competitors and their likely prospects, including analysis of the strategies of the largest brands in the segment and wholesale dollar sales, growth and market share for key brands going back to 2016. Brands with performance quantified include 5-Hour Energy, Tweaker Energy Shot, VPX, So Good So You, Red Dawn, EE, Kor Shots, Vital 4U, Big Easy Shot, Ito En Shots, Farmhouse Culture Gut Shot, R.W. Knudsen juice shots, Ethan's and Teaonic Mojos. The Private label energy shots sector is also quantified.
  • Analysis of the prospects of the no-alcohol shot market in the next five years, with Beverage Marketing's wholesale dollar and volume category projections to 2028.

The No-Alcohol Shots Market pg 1

  • Overview pg 1
  • Volume by Type pg 2
  • Wholesale Dollar Sales by Type pg 3
  • The Energy Shot Segment pg 4

Leading Companies and Brands pg 5

  • Wholesale Dollar Sales by Brand pg 5
  • 5-Hour pg 6
  • Vitamin Energy pg 7
  • Forto pg 8
  • So Good So You pg 9
  • Ethan's Functional Shots pg 10
  • Kor Shots pg 11
  • Morning Recovery pg 12
  • The Plug Drink pg 13
  • Monfefo pg 14
  • Romr pg 15
  • MTE pg 15

Projected No-Alcohol Shots Market pg 16


  • 1 U.S. No-Alcohol Shots Market Estimated Volume by Type 2017 – 2028 pg 19
  • 2 U.S. No-Alcohol Shots Market Share of Estimated Volume by Type 2017 – 2028 pg 20
  • 3 U.S. No-Alcohol Shots Market Change in Volume by Type 2018 – 2028 pg 21
  • 4 U.S. No-Alcohol Shots Market Estimated Wholesale Dollars by Type 2017 – 2028 pg 22
  • 5 U.S. No-Alcohol Shots Market Share of Estimated Wholesale Dollars by Type 2017 – 2028 pg 23
  • 6 U.S. No-Alcohol Shots Market Change in Wholesale Dollars by Type 2018 – 2028 pg 24
  • 7 U.S. Energy Shots Market Estimated Wholesale Dollars and Volume 2005 – 2028 pg 25
  • 8 Leading No-Alcohol Shot Brands Estimated Wholesale Dollar Sales 2017 – 2023 pg 26
  • 9 Leading No-Alcohol Shot Brands Share of Wholesale Dollar Sales 2017 – 2023 pg 27
  • 10 Leading No-Alcohol Shot Brands Change in Wholesale Dollar Sales 2018 – 2023 pg 28

Have Questions?
Contact Charlene Harvey at 740-314-8380 ext. 250 or via email.

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