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As the growth of plant-based waters slows, are there segments of the market that have exhibited strong growth that are likely to be sustained into the future?

Beverage Marketing Corporation considers this question in its industry report entitled: Coconut, Aloe and Other Plant-Based Beverages in the U.S. This report considers a beverage type that entered people's radar a bit over a decade ago. Now that plant-based waters have become more ensconced in consumers' minds as natural sports beverage alternatives and a source for healthy hydration, it is important to consider the issues that will continue to be important for entrepreneurs and market veterans going forward. The report looks at the coconut water segment which blazed the trail for plant based waters, tracking its growth versus the rest of the plant based water market. It also discusses trends and key brands derived from other botanicals such as maple trees, cactus and aloe which hope to follow in coconut’s footsteps.

  • 2023 Edition - Published April 2023.
  • Data through 2022 and market projections through 2027.
  • 45+ pages with extensive text analysis, graphs and charts.
  • Immediate download, PDF and Word formats, 3-user access.
Plant-Based Water Beverages in the U.S.
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Get superior data, market insights and industry perspective to analyze beverage segments, evaluate opportunities and benchmark performance.

Report Overview  more details

The answers you need

This brief but insightful market report measures volume and wholesale dollar sales, covers top brands and discusses key issues in the plant-based beverage category. BMC's exclusive five-year projections are also included. Questions answered include:

  • How does the coconut water market stack up against the rest of the plant based water market? What size is the market expected to reach in 2027?
  • How did the plant-based water segments originate and evolve in the U.S. market? What innovations have taken place to change the face of the segment?
  • Which are the leading brands? Which are growing? Which are declining? What market share shifts are taking place? Is the market sewn up by big companies or is there room for smaller players to capture a significant percentage of market share?
  • How does plant-based water relate to the rest of the better-for-you beverage market?
  • What are the areas in which the market is expected to grow in the next five years? What are the growth drivers going forward? Conversely, which segment is not likely to experience big growth to 2027?

This report features

This report examines an offshoot of the seismic trend in the beverage industry towards plant-based solutions. The presentation of industry research begins with an overview of the plant-based water market. It then analyzes various brands and the companies behind them, taking note of innovations they have achieved and the marketing strategies behind them.

After outlining this context, the report describes the issues likely to determine what is next in the U.S. plant-based beverage marketplace and projects market size five years into the future. In this report, readers get a thorough understanding of all facets of the plant-based water market including:

  • Wholesale dollar sales and volume of the plant-based beverage market going back to 2015. Discussion of the main competitors and their likely prospects, including analysis of the strategies of the largest brands in the segment. Brands discussed include: Vita Coco, Zico, Harmless Harvest, C2O, Obrigado Coconut Water, Blue Monkey, Waikoko, Eliya Coconut Water, Taja Coconut, CoAqua Coconut Water, Buddha Brands, Once Upon a Coconut, 100 Coconuts, Genius Juice, Treo Fruit & Birch Water, TreTap, Sap!, True Nopal Cactus Water, Cactus! Desert Hydrator, Sapsucker, Caliwater, Pricklee, Pickle Juice, Tsamma Watermelon/Sarah’s Homegrown.
  • Historical and current data includes sales figures, growth rates and market shares for brands including: Vita Coco, OKF, Zico, Viloe, C2O, alo, Harmless Harvest, ONE, Tropiking, Aloe Gloe, Taste Nirvana, Naked Coconut Water, WTRMLN WTR, Zola, True Nopal, DRINKmaple, Coco Libre.
  • Analysis of the prospects of the plant-based water market in the next five years, with Beverage Marketing’s wholesale dollar and volume category projections to 2027.

The Plant-Based Water Beverage Market pg 1

  • Overview pg 1
  • Volume by Segment pg 8
  • Per Capita Consumption by Segment pg 8
  • Wholesale Dollar Sales by Segment pg 9

Leading Companies and Brands pg 10

  • Volume by Brand pg 10
  • Wholesale Dollar Sales by Brand pg 11
  • Vita Coco pg 12
  • Zico pg 15
  • Harmless Harvest pg 17
  • C2O pg 18
  • Obrigado Coconut Water pg 19
  • Blue Monkey pg 20
  • Waikoko pg 20
  • Taja Coconut pg 21
  • CoAqua Coconut Water pg 21
  • Eliya Coconut Water pg 22
  • Buddha Brands pg 23
  • Once Upon a Coconut pg 24
  • 100 Coconuts pg 25
  • Genius Juice pg 26
  • Treo Fruit & Birch Water pg 27
  • Sap! pg 29
  • Sapsucker pg 29
  • True Nopal Cactus Water pg 30
  • Cactus! Desert Hydrator pg 31
  • Caliwater pg 32
  • Pricklee pg 33
  • Pickle Juice pg 33
  • Tsamma Watermelon/Sarah's Homegrown pg 35

The Projected Plant-Based Water Beverage Market pg 37


  • 1 U.S. Plant-Based Water Beverage Market Estimated Volume by Segment 2016 – 2027 pg 40
  • 2 U.S. Plant-Based Water Beverage Market Share of Volume by Segment 2016 – 2027 pg 41
  • 3 U.S. Plant-Based Water Beverage Market Change in Volume by Segment 2017 – 2027 pg 42
  • 4 U.S. Plant-Based Water Beverage Market Estimated Per Capita Consumption by Segment 2016 – 2027 pg 43
  • 5 U.S. Plant-Based Water Beverage Market Estimated Wholesale Dollar Sales by Segment 2016 – 2027 pg 44
  • 6 U.S. Plant-Based Water Beverage Market Share of Wholesale Dollar Sales by Segment 2016 – 2027 pg 45
  • 7 U.S. Plant-Based Water Beverage Market Change in Wholesale Dollar Sales by Segment 2017 – 2027 pg 46
  • 8 Leading Plant-Based Water Beverage Brands Estimated Volume 2016 – 2022 pg 47
  • 9 Leading Plant-Based Water Beverage Brands Share of Volume 2016 – 2022 pg 48
  • 10 Leading Plant-Based Water Beverage Brands Change in Volume 2017 – 2022 pg 49
  • 11 Leading Plant-Based Water Beverage Brands Estimated Wholesale Dollar Sales 2016 – 2022 pg 50
  • 12 Leading Plant-Based Water Beverage Brands Share of Wholesale Dollar Sales 2016 – 2022 pg 51
  • 13 Leading Plant-Based Water Beverage Brands Change in Wholesale Dollar Sales 2017 – 2022 pg 52

Have Questions?
Contact Charlene Harvey at 212-688-7640 ext. 250 or via email.


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