The U.S. Bottled Water Industry

The rise of the bottled water category has been one of the great success stories in the history of the beverage industry. After decades of exceptional growth, bottled water is poised to surpass carbonated soft drinks as the most consumed commercial beverage in the United States.

Facts about Bottled Water

How big is the bottled water business in the U.S.?

11.7 million gallons of bottled water were consumed by U.S. residents 2015 resulting in producer revenues of $14.2 billion in 2015, up from $10 billion in 2005.

How much bottled water do Americans consume each year?

U.S. Per capita consumption reached 36.5 gallons in 2015 according to a study by Beverage Marketing Corporation, and is expected to top 47 gallons by 2020.

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Bottled Water Industry Analysis & Consumer Drivers

A number of consumer needs fuel bottled water's popularity in the U.S. including: consumer recognition of bottled water as a healthy, safe, convenient choice; its suitability for consumption at any time of day; the fact that it needn't be heated or refrigerated; its broad range of packaging options, its relative affordability compared to some other packaged beverage options and the fact that at 0 calories it addresses growing obesity concerns.

U.S. Bottled Water Market2015 Data
Size 7.5 billion gallons
Per Capita Consumption 36.5 gallons
Volume Growth 2014 / 2015 7.9%
2020 market size projection $20.6 billion dollars (wholesale)
2019 Projection $5.2 Billion

Source: U.S. Bottled Water through 2020 published by  Beverage Marketing Corporation

Despite years of growth, substantial opportunity for bottled water industry growth continues. While trends vary by type of water (sparkling, non-sparkling, etc.), package size, geographic region, price, brand and other factors, the overall outlook for the bottled water market remains favorable. For more information, statistical data and insight on bottled water companies, brands, advertising and marketing, market forecasts and more see U.S. Bottled Water through 2020. For information on all the bottled water market research reports published by Beverage Marketing Corporation see